
Response Consultants provides bespoke emergency response, crisis management and ICS training, customised to meet your exact requirements and presented in your office, ours, an external location or even virtually.

This is a sample of some of the courses we provide as standard. If the required training course is not available from our catalogue of courses, we are happy to work with clients to develop suitable training material.

Emergency Response

Introduction to emergency response and detailed training for the core team addressing roles and responsibilities, key contacts and priorities, information flow in the ERR and interfaces with internal personnel and external organisations.


Our Incident Command System (ICS) training courses are based on the standard from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) material, but geared toward the energy industry with more relevant scenarios.  Each course is tailored to our clients, using the company’s specific organisational structure and hazards relevant to them.

Relatives Response

Training for relatives responders covering the clients arrangements, interface with the police and contractors and handling telephone enquiries from next of kin. Responders are given an opportunity to practice taking calls from concerned relatives simulated by Response Consultants team of relatives role players.

Evacuation Reception

Training for company representatives covering their roles in dealing with evacuees at the heliport and reception centre. Representatives are given an opportunity to practice greeting and processing evacuees simulated by Response Consultants team of survivors role players.

Medevac Training

For personnel nominated to deal with the evacuation of personnel from offshore platforms or vessels, or from overseas, for medical reasons. Includes breaking bad news to next of kin, dealing with the family at the hospital and supporting the casualty in hospital.

HR/Personnel Coordinator

Emergency response training for HR/Personnel Coordinator addressing the personnel management issues in a major emergency, including accounting for personnel, role of the police, contractor liaison, relatives response and evacuation reception.

'Relating to Relatives' / Family Liaison Rep

Aimed at personnel who are nominated to contact and/or go to the home of the family of an employee following their death, either before or immediately after the police. Includes the “message of involvement” from the Police Scotland ‘Notifying Next of Kin’ document and breaking bad news to next of kin.  This course can include a presentation from the Oil & Gas Chaplain for relevant industries.

Reception / Security

Emergency response training for receptionists, switchboard operators and security guards.

Emergency Response for Contracting Companies

Using a scenario based on a major incident on a client’s installation or at the contractors own site, the presenter walks attendees through a simulated emergency in slow time addressing call-out and mobilisation, roles and responsibilities, client and subcontractor interfaces, dealing with fatalities/casualties/next of kin, relatives response and evacuation reception.

Response Consultants UK Limited

168 Holburn Street, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, AB10 6DA

Telephone: +44 (0)1224 595111


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